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  • Always bring both the child and their health card to the appointment!

  • Appointments are scheduled for 90 minutes, but may take longer if necessary. I usually run on time so don't be late.

  • When you come to the appointment, it is best if both parents come. This is not mandatory, but is helpful, especially when there is disagreement between the parents on what's going on or how to handle the problems.

  • If your child is young and requires direct supervision, please ensure that there is someone available who can watch them as I may need to spend some time talking to you without them present.

  • If school performance is a concern, then please make sure that I have a completed SWAN scale from the teacher (Teacher's questionnaire), copies of their June report cards for at least the last 3 years, and a copy of their latest IEP.  If the school has done a psychoeducational assessment, please send/bring a copy of that assessment.  You can get a copy of all school-related information by going to the school and asking for it.

  • If medications are a primary concern, please send/bring a printed prescription history - you can get this directly from your pharmacist.


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